"Non-employees, meet your coworkers." -- Fast Company.Working for on-demand services like Uber, Lyft, Didi Kuaidi, GrabTaxi, Ola, Postmates, Doordash, Sprig, Amazon Flex or Google Shopping Express? Check out SherpaShare Pulse!
Pulse has it all: the stories and questions buzzing among the on-demand worker community, the information you want in real-time, and the insights and work tips you didn’t know you needed.
SherpaShare Pulse is the largest on-demand worker community in the world. No matter which type of service you work for, you’ll be more connected to others with us.
With Pulse you can:+ Get the latest information in the industry to maximize your earning potential+ Stay connected with your co-workers and friends with message+ Share your voice and join the largest community+ Get real time help from the community of experts+ Discover and navigate new opportunities+ Make friends, have fun, and be entertained
If you have any trouble with the app, please email us at
[email protected] so we can help!
And don’t forget to check out www.sherpashare.com for other awesome tools we’ve built for you!